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Sustainable travelling

Travelling is among the crucial parts of the human lifestyle. It connects people from around the world and create new experiences. But have you ever thought about sustainable travelling & slow travelling?

Sustainable travel or sustainable tourism is tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, meeting the needs of visitors, tourism professionals, the environment and host communities. (World Tourism Organisation - WTO)

With slow travelling you take the time to connect to local people and local culture. It takes you back to the roots of why we travel: living that authentic experience and really getting to know the country, its people and culture.

Travelling is not about how many places you have visited or the number of kilometres travelled in 2 weeks. It’s about the quality of your experience. Slow travelling relies on the idea that a trip is meant to educate and have an emotional impact, while remaining sustainable for local communities and the environment.
Greentripper's mindset


Calculate the environmental impact of your travel including transportation and accommodation here. The means of transport for which we propose a CO2e-calculation are cars, planes, trains, buses, vans, boats, cruise ships and two-wheelers.

Are you a travel professional? Discover Greentripper's solutions: an API to integrate the CO2ee calculator into your own website or back-office system, a business portal login to track your emissions and many more. Greentripper can also establish a concrete reduction plans for your global carbon footprint (scopes 1, 2 & 3), going beyond contributing to climate project.

Are you a company or organization? Greentripper will be happy to help you calculate the climate impact of your business trips.

For more information, contact us at info@greentripper.org


Contributing financially to projects to balans out your CO2e impact is not the solution to fight climate change, it's only a part of the solution. So, before your CO2e contribution, ask yourself how you can reduce your carbon footprint?

Need some inspiration? Check out our tips and tricks on how to become a responsible traveller with simple gestures.

If you are a travel professional and you wish to establish a concrete reduction plan, contact us at info@greentripper.org.

Are you a company or organization? Greentripper will be happy to help you reduce the climate impact of your business trips. We also propose workshops to help your employees in the transition to low-carbon business travels.


Thanks to your CO2e contribution, climate projects are being set all around the world. Greentripper supports CO2e-reduction projects in developing countries, as well as sustainable projects in Europe.

We guarantee concrete climate actions, by offering the possibility to give back in line with your travel impact while supporting one of our climate projects. Do you want to take Act Global by supporting a certified climate project in a developing country, or do you want to Act Local by supporting a climate project in Belgium, France or the UK? It is your choice! You can even go further and double your impact, by combining both and Act Glocal !

The climate projects that Greentripper supports are in line with multiple SDG's, so your contributions not only brings environmental benefits, but also socio-cultural and economic benefits.


Receive a personalized guarantee certificate for each contribution with a description of your personal positive impact in the chosen climate project.

With our certificate, Greentripper guarantees concrete climate actions: for each tonne of CO2e that you contribute financially, a tonne CO2e is avoided, reduced or sequestered through the climate project of your choice.

Share it on your socials with the #GiveBackToNature & inspire others to give back in line with their travel impact.

For our travel professionals, who don't feel confident yet to communicate about their climate actions, we have some communication packs to help you.