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We have all witnessed the direct consequences of climate change this summer:

-          Wildfires in Turkey, Algeria, Italy, USA, Spain, France, Paraguay, Cyprus, Finland, Lebanon, Canada, and Greece

-          Extremely heavy rainfall and floods in Germany, China, Italy, India, Australia, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

-          Hail bigger than tennis balls in northern Italy

-          Paraná River, the second largest river in South America, suffering from a severe drought

-          Tornadoes in Czechia

-          Record-breaking temperatures north America

These disasters have caused hundreds of people to lose their homes and lives.

Now that these extreme environmental disasters are happening closer to our home, it may be an eye-opener for many. Because climate change is real and it’s happening now!

If you still do not believe it, continue reading!



The IPPC, short for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, published its first update on the physical science of climate change since 2013.

This assessment report presents the current state of knowledge on climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation.

Here are some key messages:

Read the  report: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGI_SPM.pdf



These findings are frightening but none of this is new. What is new is that it is happening much faster than we thought.

We need to take urgent action on reducing emissions if we want to stop this getting much worse, because the longer we wait, the greater the severity of climate change will be.

We hope that political leaders and countries will take binding action at the next climate summit #COP26!
In the meantime, we must all take action and continue to support credible climate solutions.

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