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What we do for you

We travel for pleasure, for leisure or for work and this has an impact on our planet. Greentripper is made for people who like to travel with respect for the environment.

We provide a tool to calculate your carbon footprint and offer you the possibility to give back in line with your travel impact. Greentripper gives you the guarantee of concrete climate action: a financial contribution for one tonne of CO2e corresponds to one tonne of CO2e avoided or absorbed elsewhere. The projects offered by Greentripper meet high requirements so that your contribution really makes a difference.

We also help companies to give back in line with the impact of their business travel and to take concrete climate actions. For more information, contact us at info@greentripper.org.
Climate projects

Thanks to the voluntary carbon sector, climate projects are being set up in developing countries and Europe. By contributing to climate project, you allow these projects to exist!

For our planet, it is obviously preferable not to take transportation such as the plane or the car, but we don't always have a choice. It is better to contribute and support climate projects than to do nothing at all!

Contributing to climate project is one of the concrete solutions that really makes a difference, but it's not enough. It's also about raising awareness and taking individual action. Take the time to explore how you can reduce your ecological footprint before making financial contributions to reduce the environmental impact of your travels. Discover here how you can travel responsibly.
To thank you for your contribution :


You will receive a personal e-certificate (with your name or the name of your company)


We will keep you informed about the climate projects you supported (through our e-newsletter)


You will receive an e-card you can share on social media to inspire your friends